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What Can Precision Medicine Do for You?

Precision medicines

Precision medicine has the potential o significantly improve health outcomes and same members. Spiral is leading the precision medicine charge and becoming the first health plan to require quality credentialing of genetic testing labs. Precision medicine not only improves member’s health outcomes but decreases costs for members.Precision medicine approaches thus far has emerged from efforts to improve disease diagnosis with the promise of better treatment. It also improves the diagnosis of disease processes for both infectious and chronic diseases.

The spiral care goal is to develop and evaluate next-generation healthcare that uses cutting-edge genomic and informatics tools to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Online doctors appointment with Spiral care has developed more effective medicines that will improve patient’s outcomes, it has lower cost associated with trial-and-error treatments.

The Problem with Precision Medicine

Spiral care is undergoing a transformation and it is imperative to leverage new technologies to generate new data and support the advent of precision medicine. That’s precision medicine’s real promise and potential.

Spiral care process model of clinical implementation of precision medicine that can provide patients the best care through use of new technology. It has already started engaging with primary care. There are effective application of technologies will enable provider to be more efficient when delivering care,  more aware of patient nuances in considering the most effective treatment options and more likely to anticipate future potential health problems. 

Precision medicine is an opportunity to treat individuals as individuals and not part of a patient group. Precision medicine is the field of dreams for human health. Physicians must rely on a one-size-fits-all treatment.

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